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Choose from over a million products & earn advertising fees from the 1’st internet retailer online! You can earn up to 10% advertising fees from the 1’st trusted e-commerce leader with minimal effort. This plugin allows you to import unlimited number of products directly from Amazon right into your WordPress WooCommerce Store! EnjoY!

Full Features List

  • Works as plugin on any WordPress Install.
  • Compatible with any WordPress / Woocommerce Theme
  • You can have Amazon Products and Simple Woocommerce Products on the Store in the Same Time (we’ve made a special verification and the products don’t conflict into the Cart Checkout Page)
  • Choose from any Amazon Location – Worldwide, Amazon Germany, Amazon United Kingdom, Amazon Canada, Amazon France, Amazon Japan, Amazon India, Amazon Italy, Amazon China, Amazon Spain.
  • 90 days cookies feature – With this feature, when a user is redirected to amazon, the product is automatically added to cart and kept there for 90 days (this boosts your conversions also!).
  • On Site Cart feature! This option will allow your customers to add multiple Amazon Products into Cart and checkout trough Amazon’s system with all at once!
  • Prices setup – Select what price to display on products – Regular price / Sale price / Offer price
  • Products Variations – Get product variations. Be carefull about Yes All variations one product can have a lot of variation, execution time is dramatically increased!
  • Default publishing- import the products as Published or Draft.
  • Select how many images to import for each product
  • Select if you wish to display shipping availability
  • Select if you wish to display Coupones – special offers & discounts
  • Image Import type – Select if you wish import images upon import or asynchronus
  • Automatically Content Spinner – select if you wish to have the content spinned upon import, or manually do it afterwards
  • ASIN GRABBER Module – grab hundred of ASINS from amazon in just a few seconds! After that, simply import them via CSV Bulk Import!
  • Products into Posts – You can easily add products into any post / page / custom taxonomy via Shortcodes
  • Products Stats – check your conversions!
  • Images names – Product title or Random number – This is great for SEO
  • Cross Selling Items – Select if you wish to display cross selling products.
  • Images gallery in product description – select if you wish to display it or not.
  • Setup Amazon Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
  • Setup your affiliate ID’s (You don’t have to specify all affiliate IDs if you are not registered to all programs.)
  • Setup Main Affiliate ID
  • One second import! Search for products using the Advanced Search and Bulk Import module. Upon import all parent categories and subcategories will be imported.
  • Mass Import products using the CSV module. All you need is a ASINS list.
  • Keep products updated using the Synchronisation Module, you can update Prices, Titles, Buy Urls, Descriptions and SKU
  • Setup / Backup Module – install default plugin settings, backup current plugin settings, and backup current store products.

Thông tin bổ sung

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Software Version

WordPress 5.0.x – WordPress 6.2.x

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Giá gốc là: 49$.Giá hiện tại là: 5$.

WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates – WordPress Plugin
  • 100% Original, GPL Licensed.
  • 1 year free update support
  • Unlimited downloads
  • 0 Sales
  • 0 Ratings

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