What Scrapes can do is completely limited to your imagination. Use the default settings for popular sources or create new tasks from scratch and crawl through almost all websites or use it as a RSS aggregator plugin for WordPress.

Thông tin bổ sung

Product Version


Software Version

WordPress 5.0.x – WordPress 6.4.x


Well Documented

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Giá gốc là: 38$.Giá hiện tại là: 5$.

Automatic WordPress Scraper Plugin
  • 100% Original
  • 1 year free update support
  • Unlimited downloads
  • 0 Sales
  • 0 Ratings

Thông tin sản phẩm

Last Update: 19/04/2024
Relased: 19/04/2024
Product Version 2.3.0
Software Version WordPress 5.0.x – WordPress 6.4.x
Documentation Well Documented
Tags: automatic , Automatic WordPress Scraper Plugin , plugin , Scraper , wordpress ,
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