
  • Multilingual Support (WPML)
  • Unlimited Events
  • PayPal Integration
  • Offline Booking
  • Supports additional gateways
  • Multiple Bookings
  • Multiple Currencies
  • Coupon Integration
  • Gift cards Integration
  • Event Categories
  • Multiple occurrences for same event
  • Multiple Tickets
  • Sub tickets: Adults, children, etc…
  • Google Maps
  • Tax
  • Responsive Calendar Shortcode: 4 modes
  • Lazy Load Calendar Shortcode
  • Responsive Event Box shortcode
  • Responsive Event Card shotcode
  • Responsive Event Button shortcode
  • Responsive Weekly calendar Shortcode: addon
  • Responsive ByDay calendar Shortcode: addon
  • Mobile fall back booking page
  • List Events based on filters (eventBoxes and eventCards)
  • Shortcode generation
  • AJAX Control Panel with 500+ Settings
  • User friendly event creation
  • Visual  Editor
  • Sandbox integration
  • Offline booking form customization
  • CSV Integration
  • Add to Google Calendar / Export to ICS
  • Every thing is customizable, from text ,color,size,padding,borders,border radius and much more.
  • Email Support
    • Booker receives an email
    • Owner (admin) receives email of booking
    • All emails are customizable<l/li>
    • Pre/Post emails (Emails Addon)
    • Cancel event emails (Emails Addon)
    • Cancel occurrence emails (Emails Addon)
    • Sell giftcards / coupons(GiftCard Addon)
  • Multiple success actions: Open Success popup, Close booking popup, redirect to page, show message below button.
  • Shortcodes: Calendar – Event Box – Event Card – Event Buttons – Events List

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Event Booking Pro – WP Plugin [paypal or offline]
  • 100% Original, GPL Licensed.
  • FREE
  • Unlimited downloads
  • 0 Sales
  • 0 Ratings

Thông tin sản phẩm

Last Update: 14/04/2024
Relased: 12/09/2013
Product Version v3.99
License GPL
Tags: book , booking , calendar , categories , coupon , event , export , manage , paypal , reoccurring , repeating , reservation , reserve , sell , tickets ,
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