Its a online token queue management system suitable for token dispensing machine. It is created using Laravel 8 PHP framework. It can be used in banks, hospitals, clinics, supermarkets, etc.


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Software Framework


Software Version

MySQL 5.x, MySQL 8.x, PHP 7.x, PHP 8.x

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JL Token – Queue Management System
  • 100% Original, GPL Licensed.
  • 1 year free update support
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Last Update: 16/04/2024
Relased: 05/08/2016
Product Version v3.1.9
Software Framework Laravel
Software Version MySQL 5.x MySQL 8.x PHP 7.x PHP 8.x
Tags: cloud , department , framework , justlab , laravel , material design , materialize css , multi user , online token dispenser , queue , queue management system , queue report , responsive , token , token management system ,
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