Altair Admin Template

Altair is a professional HTML5/CSS3 Material Design template based on UIkit Framework and jQuery Library. This template has been built with Bower (package manager), Gulp (streaming build tool) and Handlebars.js (templating system).

Features List

  • Material Design
  • Based on UIkit
  • Easily customizable (less files)
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Responsive layout
  • High Resolution
  • RTL
  • Custom pages: Invoices, User Profile, User Edit, Mailbox and more
  • Custom components
    • Accordions
    • Dropdowns
    • Dynamic Grid
    • Lightbox/Modal
    • Nestable
    • Sortable
    • Notifications
    • Preloaders
    • Tabs
  • Integrated KendoUI components
  • Integrated charting libraries: c3.js and MetricsGraphics.js
  • Integrated plugins: Datatbles, Full Calendar, Maplace (Google Maps), Mapael (Vector Maps) and more
  • Integrated form components:
    • Sliders
    • Advanced select
    • Datepicker
    • Timepicker
    • Masked inputs
    • Html Editor
    • File uploader

Thông tin bổ sung

Product Version


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Well Documented



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Altair – Admin Material Design UIkit Template
  • 100% Original, GPL Licensed.
  • 1 year free update support
  • Unlimited downloads
  • 0 Sales
  • 0 Ratings

Thông tin sản phẩm

Last Update: 14/04/2024
Relased: 25/07/2015
Product Version v2.22.0
Compatible with AngularJS
Columns 4+
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Responsive
Tags: admin panel , backend , bower , crud , dashboard , gulp , html admin , invoices , kendo ui , less , mailbox , material design , rtl , uikit , wysiwyg ,
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